Bottlehead Crack Tube Rolling

Bottlehead Crack Tube Rolling 8,3/10 4318 reviews
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“the Bottlehead Crack is a superb introduction into the world of DIY audio. The parts quality is very good, the documentation is truly excellent, the Bottlehead forums provide fantastic peer-to-peer assistance, and construction is very easy. The Bottlehead Crack is an outstanding first project for the novice audio DIYer. Guys I am using a 12au7. Brand cant figure out. Maybe a Slyvania JAN CHS 12AU7 So the issue is the tube is working fine when music is on. But when the music is off,the tube is making grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr noise on the left channel.

HD 650/w Bottlehead Crack - RHA MA750i

Mar 15, 2018  Tube Rolling with Bottlehead Crack. Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by John Storey, Nov 22, 2017. Page 2 of 2 tube, I've tried a few different brands and not much to talk about. Might be more important to have a back-up 6080 on hand which these are bargain at $2.99 for NOS and sound great. Just finished the Bottlehead Crack build, which was a ton of fun and it sounds great. I’m looking to start tube rolling now as The Tube Store has a 40% off sale for Black Friday. I’ve looked through their selection, and decided on a 6080 replacement, the Winged 'C' 6H13C / 6AS7G and narrowed my choices for the 12AU7 down to three choices.

3 years ago

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So I've been looking forward to stepping my game up, and after a month of research, I found that the 650's are exactly what I want.

However I'm struggling with the selection of a tube amp to drive them before I order them.

I have always thought that I preferred bright sound, by recently I've wanted to try the warm sound of a tube amp.

I'm looking for a neutral but fun to listen sound. Prioritizing fun over clarity. I'm not looking for an analytic sound

I've heard they are both great, but I would like to hear everyone's opinion on both of 'em or how do they pair with the 650's

Bottlehead Crack Tube Rolling Stones

One pretty big point to consider is that the Crack is currently on a pretty decent sale. Meaning that I could get the Crack + Speedball for the same price than the Valhalla 2.

Thanks again every one :)

Bottlehead Crack Tube Rolling Machine