Hack Borderlands 2 Xbox 360
Borderlands 2 Hack. This Hack is a new version, works well and can be downloaded Free. We offers many advantages multiplayer works. Set five years after the events of Borderlands; Handsome Jack, the game’s main antagonist, has taken over the Hyperion Corporation, declared himself Dictator of Pandora and taken all of the credit for finding the Vault going so far as to claim.
- This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Borderlands 2 for Xbox 360. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction.
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This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Borderlands 2 for Xbox 360. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.
Minecraft Area[edit]
Play until you reach the Caustic Caverns area. In the Minecart Madness side quest, turn right from where you find the mine cart. You should spot a stone shaped like a cube. Jump over it and land on some earth, then proceed right from there to find dirt that looks like something you might find in Minecraft. Attack it a few times and you should be able to push through, provided it is 2 blocks high. If you turn right from there, you should see some stone and coal. Those take 5 hits to break, and if you pass through them you will find some Creepers.
Submitted by: killkillkillomg
Full Metal Jacket References[edit]
There are multiple references to the movie Full Metal Jacket spread around the game. One of the rifle challenges is called 'This is My Rifle,' which is part of a familiar line from the movie. Also, the reanimation station will say 'You will not die unless you are told' after reviving you, which is a reference to an R. Lee Emery quote in the film.
Submitted by: ohlove
Minecraft Easter Egg[edit]
In Caustic Caverns, around the Guardian Ruins near the end of the map, there are 'dirt blocks' (from Minecraft) around a cavern to the right and under the minecart used for 'Minecart Mischief.' After performing melee attacks on the blocks, one will encounter several creepers and a badass creeper, which are also from Minecraft. Those enemies have a chance of dropping the 'Longbow' sniper rifle, which just so happens to shoot arrows like the ones seen in Minecraft.
Unlimited Rare Loot (Premiere Club)[edit]
Players who preordered the game became members of the 'Premiere Club' and were provided with a special key that unlocks a loot box in Sanctuary. The box can typically be opened only once per trip through the game, but there's an exploit. Pause the game and have a second player locally join your game as a guest. He or she will now also have a gold key. Have that person open the box so that you can then collect the loot. Then have the player drop out of the game. You can invite the player back as often as you like by repeating the process, and he or she will bring along a gold key every time.
Submitted by: Bcogan
Easy Leveling (You Are Cordially Invited)[edit]
The first optional Tiny Tina mission is titled 'You Are Cordially Invited' and your apparent goal is to lure a thug named Flamestick to a party where he will meet his demise. However, you can easily gain experience points by repeatedly failing the mission. Play through the mission as instructed until you are supposed to bring Flamestick to the table that Tina will have prepared. Instead of bringing him to that destination, kill him for the experience points (his death results in around 5000XP if you are at level 35 and playing on True Vault Hunter mode. Killing Flamestick will result in a failed mission, but then you can retry the mission as often as you like for more easy XP. The trick works even better if you load a second character and have them stand near Tina, constantly respawning Flamestick.
Submitted by: Nebbun522
Easy Money, Eridium, and XP[edit]
If you have a commando or mechromancer character (the latter works best), you can level up your character at the end of the campaign so that you're prepared for tougher battles in the True Vault Hunter mode. Once you defeat the main campaign's boss, stay in that chamber and use your turrets to take out the Rakk enemies that regularly spawn. If you are using a mechromancer and your skill is maxed by that point, your DT duration increases after each kill. You can leave your console on and let your weapons automatically take out the enemies while you tend to other things. Otherwise, you'll need to take a more hands-on approach. This is a great way to farm experience, money, and eridium with minimal effort.
Submitted by: AbstractSquid
Extra Backpack Storage[edit]
You can carry more gear in your backpack than you might think, though this trick is mostly just useful early in the game. First, find a vendor and sell the items in your backpack to make room for more items. Now grab any items lying around, or purchase the vendor's wares. Once your backpack is full, you should next buy the items that you just sold, thus temporarily expanding your backpack's storage capacity beyond the usual limit.
Submitted by: C-Schoe
Borderlands Skins[edit]
If you save your Borderlands 2 game on a device that also features a save file from Borderlands, you'll unlock skins from that previous game for your use in Borderlands 2.
Submitted by: SentinelKnightforce
True Vault Hunter Mode[edit]
Complete the standard Story mode and you'll unlock True Vault Hunter mode. That mode features more difficult enemies and you can earn more experience points. You can switch between difficulty settings by accessing the character selection screen, even if you only have one character.
Submitted by: SentinelKnightforce
Lyin' King[edit]
Find the large enclosure while working through the Wildlife Preserve (near the second vault symbol). There, you'll be attacked by two particular enemies: a stalker named Pimon and a skag named Tumbaa. If you kill both of them within a 10-second span, you'll access a special challenge.
Submitted by: Onebull
Instant Reload[edit]
To quickly reload your weapon, open your equipment and inventory menu, which effectively pauses the game (if you're playing without friends). Choose the weapon you wish to reload, then switch it out for another weapon from your inventory, then switch the weapons yet again. The desired weapon now has a full clip, assuming you had the ammo for that, and you can exit the menu and get back to the action without waiting to reload. Note that this technique will not work if your character is in 'fight for your life' mode.
Submitted by: FreeLance_xX
Extra Enemy (Splinter Group)[edit]
If you have played this optional side mission, you may have figured out that it parodies Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. After you dispatch of the 4 pizza-loving mutants, you can enter their lair. If you turn all of the red lights above DAHL the gun crate to green by triggering the switches (check for switches on the floor, wall, TV, and by a valve), Flinter will emerge to attack you from an area just to the right of the lights.
Submitted by: KindbastardX
Unlimited Rare Items[edit]
In Sanctuary you can find Michael Mamaril, the NPC who pays tribute to a late Borderlands fan. When you talk to him, he'll reward you with a rare item (blue or better). Save your game and quit to the menu, then load your save file and find Michael again. You can so as often as you like, then either keep the items or sell them for profit. Michael moves around Sanctuary a lot, so you may have to look for him a bit.
Submitted by: solomonslayer17
Infinite Money[edit]
To perform this exploit, you will need to have multiple accounts available on your Xbox 360, here referred to as Bob and Jane. Perform the following steps:
1. Bob starts a game and has Jane join. 2. Bob trades all his money to Jane. 3. Jane saves and quits. 4. Jane reenters the game, and trades all money to Bob. 5. Jane goes to the Xbox menu and signs out without saving. 6. Jane reenters the game, once more in possession of the money that had been given to Bob, but Bob still has that money. Steps 2-6 are then repeated as desired.
Each time steps 2-6 are followed from that point onward, the amount of money Bob possesses effectively doubles, since Jane loses no money but Bob gains those funds each time.
Submitted by: vinarian
Infinite Eridium[edit]
In Three Horns Valley, go to the hideout where you fight the Bad Maw boss. Kill him, and pick up the Eridium he drops. Then, enter the Bloodshot Stronghold, and choose the 'Save and Quit' option. Continue the game, return to Three Horns Valley, and kill Bad Maw again to get more Eridium. Repeat this as many times as you like.
Submitted by: czar2288
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ - Borderlands: Claptrap's New Robot Revolution
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ - Borderlands: The Secret Armory Of General Knoxx
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ - Borderlands: The Zombie Island Of Dr. Ned
Review - Borderlands: The Zombie Island Of Dr. Ned
Successfully complete the game to unlock New Game+ mode. In your second playthrough, all enemies are more powerful.
Duplicating items and weaponsStart a co-op game with at least one other player. Drop the item(s) and/or weapon(s) you want to duplicate. Then, leave the game through a non-saving method, such as signing out of your profile, going to the dashboard, or resetting the system. Since the game did not save after you dropped the item(s) and/or weapon(s), you will still have them, and the other player(s) who picked them up will also have them.
Infinite loot ('The Secret Armory Of General Knoxx' DLC)To be able to loot the armory as many times as desired with unlimited time so you can collect loot from all the crates, create a multiplayer game, then reach the 'Armory Assault' mission. Once you defeat General Knoxx, enter the armory, and get to the elevator where you turn in the mission. After turning in the mission, it will say you only have three minutes to loot all the crates. Collect as many weapons as possible, but when you have approximately 30 seconds remaining, have everyone exit the game and return to main lobby, with the host being the final person to exit before time expires. Then, have the host create a multiplayer game again, and invite everyone back to the room. Next, travel back to the armory. Once inside, continue to General Knoxx, but instead of being sealed in the room with him, the door behind him should now be open. You should be able to walk right into the armory and have unlimited time to open all the crates. Note: If you want to be able to do this multiple times, you must do the following. After you have looted all the crates, have everyone exit to main menu, except the host. The host must either reset his or her Xbox 360 or press Xbox Guide, and go to the Dashboard. This makes it so the game does not save the armory progress for the host. Thus, anything the host picked up during that run will not be saved. So make sure when looting the armory that only the other players pick up items, which they can then give to the host later. -From: Psychotic Elf
Infinite time in the armory ('The Secret Armory Of General Knoxx' DLC)Easy loot and moneyEvery time you load a saved game, the chests and lootable objects restock. Save the game near a place where there are multiple weapon chests, such as in the town of New Haven. Collect all the loot in them, then save the game. Reload the saved game, and collect all the loot again. Keep the loot you want, and sell the loot you do not want. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: You get more money and better loot when there are more than one player. This is best done with four players.
Easy rare weaponsSave the game near a location with multiple weapon chests, such as in the town of New Haven. Then, host a game, and have three other players join. Collect all the weapons in the chests, then exit out of the game, and host a new game at the same spot. Repeat this process as many times as desired. You should get quite a few rare weapons using this method.
Easy experience and weapon proficiencyUse the following trick to get easy experience and weapon proficiencies, as well as good weapons and money by selling loot from all the dead enemies. Once you reach 'The Middle Of Nowhere' area, you will eventually get the 'Circle Of Slaughter' quest. When do you do the quest, enter the arena, and kill all but one enemy (preferably a little one). Do not kill all enemies or the quest will end. Also, do not die or you will potentially lose a lot of money. After killing all but one enemy and collecting all items desired, exit out, and the game will save automatically. Reload your saved game, sell all desired items through one of the nearby machines, and repeat the quest as many times as desired. Note: There are three rounds; the last one is called' Final Round'. Do not finish it if you want to repeat this trick.
Easy experienceNote: This trick requires at least one player with a high level (preferably between 40-50). Have the high level player(s) join your game and travel to places with high level enemies. Stay back, and have the high level player(s) kill the high level enemies to quickly increase your experience because the game has experience sharing. This is also a good way to get high level weapons and items.
Successfully complete the game, and try to be around level 40 with your character. Then, start a split screen game with your high level character and a new character that you want to level up quickly. Find a location with a lot of enemies that are easy to kill (for example, the Lost Cave with the crabs and leveled up Skags). Make sure your high level character was saved in the area you wish to go, and load him or her as the host with the other character as the second player. Leave the low level character by the New-U Station, and use your high level character to kill all the enemies. Your new character will gain levels almost instantly. This will begin to slow down around level 28, but you will still be able to get them to around level 35 relatively quickly. You will now be able to begin a new game with your new character at a very high level and play through the game easily while collecting more and better loot. This is a great way to play with the other three characters and start at a high level.
Hidden house with Rider gun in New HavenWhen you get the 'Another Piece Of The Puzzle' quest (do not complete), you can go to a secret house in New Haven. When you enter the house, you take a lift down to the bottom. There is one regular weapon chest and a red weapon chest. The red weapon chest always contains the 'Rider' gun, which is a reference to the Red Ryder BB gun from the classic movie A Christmas Story. Its stats usually vary slightly each time you get one. The weapon can only be found in this house. The weapon's manufacturer is 'Gearbox' (the game's developer), as opposed to an in-game company such as Dahl, Hyperion, etc. Note: When this location is used with the others in New Haven for the 'Easy loot and money' trick, you can get a lot of loot and money quickly.

Go to the far northwest corner (on the map) in Rust Commons West. Find the rock wall with the gun tower on top of it. Stand near the left side of the gun tower. Then, crouch and stay against the rock wall as you move down the rocks. The warning sign may appear. Ignore it, and try to move as quickly as possible. The chest is basically in front of the gun tower, under a large rock overhang. The weapons chest has a high chance of spawning rare weapons. Note: It may require a few attempts to reach the chest. Once you get the weapons, you either must kill yourself or exit the game because there is no way to leave this area safely.
Secret 'Fish' easter egg in Treacher's LandingGo to the secret dock (farthest south point of the starting position) in Treacher's Landing where you get the 'You're on a boat!' achievement. Shoot the yellow barrel to the right of the dock. Then, shoot the green barrel in the distant trash pile to the east of the boat. Shoot one of the blue barrels on the boat. Finally, shoot the red barrel in the water to the left of the boat.
'Bandit Treasure' questFast travel to Old Haven, then follow the left wall to find a pile of dead bandits. Look for the glowing bandit or glowing key nearby to unlock the 'Bandit Treasure' quest.
'Green Thumb' questFast travel to 'The Middle Of Nowhere' Bounty Board. Get a car from Scooter's, and drive to the right. Look for the small shack with big plants around it. Talk to the man leaning against the shack to unlock the 'Green Thumb' quest.
Extra SDU BackpacksSometimes during your second playthrough and beyond, you will get an extra SDU Backpack after repairing a Claptrap even after you have reached the 42 maximum allowed slots in your inventory, which is not supposed to happen, and is a known glitch in the game. Thus, before you turn in a repair kit to rescue a Claptrap, exit the game to save. Then, turn the repair kit in to the Claptrap. If you do not get an SDU Backpack, leave the game through a non-saving method, such as signing out of your profile, going to the dashboard, or resetting the system. Then, try again until you get an SDU Backpack.
Extra item spaceCreate a second character for use in Co-op mode. When you want to store an item, start a Co-op game with your main character and secondary character. Transfer the items you want to store to the secondary character until you need them, then transfer them back.
Critical hitsIt is important to try to get critical hits on enemies so you kill them quicker and get additional XP. To get a critical hit on a human, shoot it in the head. If you use a sniper rifle, it will usually kill them instantly. For a Skag, shoot it in the face when its mouth is open. This varies depending on the type. For the pups, shoot them while they roar at you. For adults, quickly shoot them while they jump at you. For the spitters, shoot their mouths while they fire their poison projectile at you. Critical hits are easiest at close range with a shotgun or scattergun.
Quick reloadsWhile reloading, click Right Analog-stick to melee as soon as the cartridge is removed or new rounds are being inserted, and the gun will reload instantly.
Defeating The Destroyer (final Boss)Make sure you have a good shotgun with full ammunition. Destroy the purple tentacles first by shooting the spheres to prevent it from shooting missiles. Then, jump behind the red tentacles at the very back of the map. You will be next to a wall and two of the large tentacles. You can do this on either side. The eye that shoots the beam will not be able to hit or damage you. The only time you may get hit is if the purple tentacles with the spheres reappear or it does the 'energy wave' attack. While behind The Destroyer, shoot at the red tentacles. You should be able to kill The Destroyer in less than two minutes using this method.
Claptrap locationsThe ten Claptraps can be found at the following locations. When you repair a Claptrap, it will reward you with an SDU Backpack, which adds three extra slots to your inventory.
Crazy Earl's Scrapyard
When you enter the area, go left at the 'T' intersection. Fight your way through bandits, and you will find him in one of the camps. To get the repair kit, just jump on the washing machine to get onto the platform. Kill the bandits, and grab the kit.
Crimson Fastness
You should just run into this Claptrap. He will be next to some other dead Claptraps.
Krom's Canyon
When you enter the area, go right. The Claptrap is (from the perspective of only using the right side of the map) at the north west part of that canyon.
New Haven
The Claptrap is in the town right next to the bounty board.
Old Haven
The Claptrap does not spawn until you have completed the quest to save the Claptrap from the cage. Once you have completed that quest, enter the area, and take the first right. Follow that street, as if you were heading towards the base of troopers that have the two turrets. He will be in a house on your left, before you turn the corner to head towards that base. His kit is on the rooftops.
Sledges Safehouse
The Claptrap is in the north west part of the map, near some rubble, and close to a stairwell; listen for the Claptrap's moaning. His repair kit is above you, when you are standing on the waypoint.
Tetanus Warrens
The Claptrap is north of where you start, before you get to the fork in the road, on the left side. The repair kit is further north, staying left, above some metal structures in the first corner, farthest north west. Microsoft office pdf download.
The Lost Cave
The Claptrap is near the point where there is a 'T' intersection and a bandit outpost area. When you are looking at the outpost as you enter, the left path leads to a dead end, and the right path leads to the spiral area. The repair kit is up the hill (following the rail tracks up and around) and just behind the second or third building in some pipes.
The Salt Flats
When you enter the area, go towards the huge piece of saw machinery. Once you enter that area (from the right side), take your first right, and you should see the Claptrap.
Trash Coast
When you enter the area, turn right, and look at your map. You will see a fork in the road, go left, then make your first right. The Claptrap is in the middle of a bandit encampment right next to where a bunch of lava crab worms are. If you find the shack on the ocean, it is straight west of that and a little south. It is almost right in the middle of the southern potion of the map. The repair kit is on top of the pipe where the diamond leads. Follow it back to the trash pile, and climb onto the pipe to get it.
The following special rare weapons can be found throughout the game:
Atlas weapons
- BLR Wicked Troll: Pistol; regenerates health
- AX Savage Chimera: Revolver; fires random elements, 3x Fire/Corrosive/Explosive/Shock element
- SG1100 Genocide Hydra: Shotgun; high damage and special spread
- SG340 Genocide Hydra: Shotgun; high damage and special spread
- CVL25 Fearsome Cyclops: Sniper rifle; high damage and explosive attack, 3x Explosive element
Dahl weapons
- RF5D Wicked Hornet: Pistol; 2 shot corrosive burst, 2x Corrosive element
- AX220 U Savage Anaconda: Revolver; very high damage and accuracy
- BA 100 War Bulldog: Shotgun; large magazine and fast reload
- CR38 Scoped Raven: Assault rifle; large magazine and five shot burst
- CR780 U Genocide Raven: Assault rifle; large magazine and five shot burst, 2x Shock element
- TEK540D Malevolent Wildcat: Assault rifle; large magazine
- LBD Fearsome Penetrator: Sniper rifle; large magazine and high fire rate, 2x Fire element
Hyperion weapons
- RF5.W Wicked Invader: Pistol; large scope with continued burst while zoomed
- TMP2 Vile Reaper: Pistol; massive melee and steals life
- BA 630.W Fatal Butcher: Shotgun; Five shot burst
- ZX330.W Fatal Butcher: Shotgun; Five shot burst
- AR300.W Genocide Destroyer: Assault rifle; Continuous burst while zoomed
- CR320 Genocide Destroyer: Assault rifle; Continuous burst while zoomed, 3x Shock element
- RF200.G Malevolent Bitch: SMG; large critical
- PPZ1270.G Fearsome Executioner: Sniper rifle; large magazine and five shot burst while zoomed
- LB1170.G Fearsome Executioner: Sniper rifle; large magazine and five shot burst zoomed, 3x Fire element
- RPG720.W Colossal Nidhogg: Rocket launcher; Fast reload and rains additional rockets
Jakobs weapons
- RV21 XX Savage Unforgiven: Revolver; large critical but slow fire
- KLR330 ZZ Savage Unforgiven: Revolver; large critical but slow fire
- SG1 XX Genocide Striker: Shotgun; tight spread and large critical
- VRR29 ZZ Fearsome Skullmasher: Sniper rifle; multiple projectiles
- GGN20 Long Skullmasher: Sniper rifle; multiple projectiles
Maliwan weapons
- HRD C Wicked Firehawk: Pistol; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
- TK4 Wicked Firehawk: Pistol; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
- KLR300 B Pestilent Defiler: Pistol; powerful corrosive attack, 4x Corrosive element
- MAL300 C Pestilent Defiler: Revolver; powerful corrosive attack, 4x Corrosive element
- SPR630 B Fatal Plague: Shotgun; powerful corrosive attack, 4x Corrosive element
- TD3 B Combustion Hellfire: SMG; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
- DVL350 C Fearsome Volcano: Sniper rifle; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
- GGN30 Solid Volcano: Sniper rifle; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
- SPC260 C Colossal Rhino: Rocket launcher; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
SES Munitions weapons
- BLR4 Wicked Gemini: Pistol; large magazine and split shot burst
- HRD5.2 Wicked Gemini: Pistol; large magazine and split shot burst
- TMP88 Vile Thanatos: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload
- TMP88.3 Vile Thanatos: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload
- TMP88 Vile Thanatos: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload
- ZPR43 Fatal Crux: Shotgun; large magazine and special explosive pattern, 1-4x Explosive
- PPZ470.3 Fearsome Orion: Sniper rifle; large magazine and shock projectiles, 3x Shock element
- PPZ7 Fearsome Orion: Sniper rifle; large magazine and shock projectiles, 3x Shock element
Tediore weapons
- PRO4-A Wicked Predator: Pistol; generates its own ammunition
- EQ20-B Savage Equalizer: Revolver; generates its own ammunition, 2x Fire element
- DEF900-B Genocide Defender: Shotgun; generates its own ammunition, 2x Shock element
- GRD12-A War Guardian: Assault rifle; generates its own ammunition
- SV4-A Malevolent Savior: SMG; generates its own ammunition

Torgue weapons
- RF4 Cruel Violator: Pistol; three shot burst
- ZX1 Friendly Fire: Shotgun; powerful incendiary attack in special pattern, 3x Fire element
- KKA4 Malevolent Gasher: SMG; high damage and a burst of rounds
- LB570 Fearsome Cobra: Sniper rifle; powerful explosive attack but slow fire, 4x Explosive element
- RPG21 Colossal Redemption: Rocket launcher, large rocket with big bang
Vladof weapons
- TK6 Cruel Rebel: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload
- HRD6/V2 Wicked Rebel: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload
- TMP2 Stabilized Vengeance: SMG; high accuracy and ignore shields
- ZX330/V3 Fatal Hammer: Shotgun; large magazine and high damage, 3x Explosive element
- RWL20/V3 Colossal Mongol: Rocket launcher; spawns a horde of additional rockets
There are sometimes cryptic or humorous messages found in the stats box for weapons. These lines indicate a certain effect for the weapon. The text usually gives a hint as to what the special ability does, and is also often a reference to a video game, movie, famous quote, etc. Sometimes the description relates to the Boss or enemy who dropped the weapon. For example, the description for The Clipper reads 'Don't Drop It.. Might Lose A Toe.' The Clipper belongs to the Boss Nine-Toes and is the reason for the weapon's name. Note: Some of the listed effects may not be completely accurate. All weapons vary in quality, except Eridian weapons, which are always green. Boss and quest weapons range from green up to purple, with blue being the most common. Weapons will also vary in accuracy, fire rate, ammunition count, etc., based upon what weapon is the basic model. For instance, some revolvers have two rounds; however, these revolvers generally do more damage than the revolvers that have three or six rounds. Essentially, orange weapons modify the base gun with their special modifiers.
Alien rifles
Note: The text for Eridian weapons are marked differently and apply to the entire class of alien weapon.
- '010011110100110101000111, Eridian Cannon (In binary, it is the ASCII encoding for 'OMG'.)
- 'Anybody need a light?, Eridian Fire Storm (Reference to the Firebat quote from Starcraft.)
- 'Getting near this thing makes your hair stand on end., Eridian Shock Rifle
- 'Hold on..it does what?, Eridian Elemental Rifle
- 'I feel like I'm gonna break this thing., Eridian Lightning (Reference to 'The Noisy Cricket' from Men In Black.)
- 'Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but it can strike freaking everywhere!, Eridian Thunder Storm
- 'No face shall go unmelted., Eridian Acid Storm
- 'Pew Pew Pew!, Eridian Blaster
Combat rifles
- '2 more bullets makes all the difference', Dahl Raven: Five round bursts instead of three.
- 'A watchful eye', The Sentinel: Increased zoom.
- 'Dragon Fire!', S&S Draco: Chance to set enemies on fire; 3x Incendiary.
- 'Guns of the Revolution will never fall silent!', Vladof Revolution: Extended magazine. May also have a chance to Daze.
- 'Hold your ground.. Forever.', Tediore Guardian: Ammo regeneration.
- 'Ogre SMASH!', Atlas Ogre: Speculated small chance to stun target. 3x Explosive bullets.
- 'The destructor has come', Hyperion Destroyer: Entire magazine is fired in one burst while scoped. (Reference to the character Gozer the Gozerien in Ghostbusters.)
- 'TORGUE! Bastard Guns for Bastard People!', Torgue Bastard: Increased damage. (Reference to a speech made by the character Corky in the movie Waiting For Guffman.)
- 'War is in your blood', The Meat Grinder: Speeds up fire rate after killing someone. (Reference to Rambo.)
- '12 bullets invade your skull', Hyperion Invader: Entire magazine is fired in one burst while zoomed.
- 'A gift from Papa Krom', Krom's Sidearm: Fires three-round bursts while zoomed.
- 'Ammo is no longer an issue.', Tediore Protector: Ammo regeneration.
- 'Big Tony Says 'Hi', S&S Thanatos: Extended magazine
- 'Bring the HEAT!', Maliwan Firehawk: High fire damage and a chance to cause splash fire damage.
- 'Don't drop it.. might lose a toe.', The Clipper: +100% melee damage. (Reference to the gun being Nine-Toes' gun beforehand. He presumably dropped it and lost a toe.)
- 'Double Whammy.', S&S Gemini: Fires a two round burst each with a two bullet spread. Thus, it shoots four rounds that uses two ammo. May have decreased or inaccurate accuracy rating from modifier. (Reference to a quote by the protagonist in the movie Judge Dredd.)
- 'Feel the Sting', Dahl Hornet: Fires two-round bursts
- 'Sometimes, I Forget To Reload', The Dove: Does not use ammo.
- 'Never stop shooting!', Vladof Rebel: Extended magazine.
- 'Omnia vincit amor', Lady Finger: +100% critical damage. (A Latin phrase from Eclogue X by Virgil meaning 'love conquers all'.)
- 'Pain Heals.', Atlas Troll: Regenerates health for 1HP/sec while holding in hand.
- 'Slice Slice', Hyperion Reaper: +300% melee damage.
- 'Vengeance is yours', Vladof Vengeance: Chance to ignore shields.
- 'Your move, Creep.', Torgue Violator: Fires three-round bursts of three bullets per shot. (Reference to the movie Robocop and a quote by the eponymous character.)
- 'A beast of many forms - Fire, Lightning, and Poison', Atlas Chimera: Alternates between Fire, Shock, Corrosive, and Explosive elemental effects.
- 'Fools! They called me maaaad!', Madjack: Bullets zig-zag and ricochet.
- 'Give Sick', Pestilent Defiler: High corrosive damage, can spread to other nearby targets.
- 'It's a helluva thing..', Jakobs Unforgiven: +200% critical hit damage and a chance to fire 2+ bullets. (Reference to a line from the movie Unforgiven: 'It's a helluva thing, killin' a man. You take away everything he's got, and everything he's ever gonna have.')
- 'Long and Strong', Dahl Anaconda: Increased accuracy and power. (Reference to the 'Baby Got Back' song by Sir Mix-A-Lot: 'I'm long and I'm strong, and I'm down to get the friction on.. My anaconda don't want none unless you've got buns, hun.')
- 'May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.', Atlas Patton: Inflicts very high damage to enemy shields. (Reference to a quote by Gen. George S. Patton.)
- 'Unending Firepower', Tediore Equalizer: Ammo regeneration
Rocket launchers
- 'Beware the Horde!', Vladof Mongol: Fires a large rocket which in turn fires off smaller rockets as it travels.
- 'Death rains from above', Hyperion Nidhogg: Rockets have a MIRV effect and split into multiple rockets that hit the ground after a certain distance.
- 'It rises!', Leviathan: Rockets are affected by gravity and will arc in their path.
- 'Gonna cook someone today', The Roaster: High fire damage.
- 'Monster Kill!', Torgue Redemption: Fires a slow moving rocket with a larger blast radius compared to typical rocket launchers, and uses multiple rounds per shot. (Reference to the Unreal weapon The Redeemer, which fires remote controlled nuclear warheads, often resulting in the announcer shouting 'Monster Kill!'.)
- 'The Unstoppable Force', Maliwan Rhino: Rocket will explode in flight, potentially multiple times, before reaching the target and detonating.
Note: The 'Holy crap! It shoots rockets!' effect is not displayed in red like other weapon special effects. It can appear on the same weapon as other effects, and depending on the combination, may negate the other effect. For example, a weapon with both 'Five heads of Death' and 'Holy crap! It shoots rockets!' will only shoot a single rocket with each shot instead of a horizontal spread.
- 'Ahhh.. Fresh meat!', Hyperion Butcher: Fast 5-shot burst. (Reference to a quote by the recurring character, The Butcher, in Blizzard Entertainment's games, found in Diablo and Warcraft III.)
- 'Beyond Groovy', Boom Stick: Fires the gun's default magazine in one shot as a burst, and each round is a rocket. If the clip is expanded by perks, you will have the left over rounds to fire in another burst. (Reference to a quote in Army Of Darkness (Evil Dead 3), where the main character Ash's catchphrase is 'Groovy' and he calls his favorite shotgun 'Boomstick'.)
- 'Bring out your Dead', Maliwan Crux: High corrosive damage.
- 'Cross their heart, hope they die.', S&S Crux: Spread pattern is that of a large plus sign, Crux being Latin for cross. The plus shape is predefined and unaffected by the weapon's accuracy.
- 'Drop the Hammer!', Vladof Hammer: Spread pattern is in the shape of a hammer and automatic. It may take firing an entire magazine to see the effect.
- 'Five heads of Death', Atlas Hydra: Spread pattern appears as a line.
- 'Have a nice day!', Torgue Friendly Fire: Spread appears to make smiley face patterns.
- 'Holy crap! It shoots rockets!', Fires a rocket instead of shotgun pellets.
- 'I can do this all day..', Tediore Defender: Ammo regeneration.
- 'It's a painful thing', The Blister: Corrosive damage and scope.
- 'One Bad Dog!', Dahl Bulldog: Extended magazine.
- 'Ride the Wave, Dude!', T.K's Wave: Bullets fire out and bounce off the floor making a wave motion.
- 'Sniper Rifles are for Chumps.', Jakobs Striker: High accuracy.
- 'The Legend Lives', Sledge's Shotgun: Knocks back target several feet and +10,000% burst fire count.
Sniper rifles
- 'A hunter lives among the stars..', S&S Orion: Each shot ricochets, then splits into three and has a chance of causing shock damage on each hit.
- 'BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM!', Hyperion Invader: Five round burst when scoped.
- 'Careful.. you might put someone's eye out.', Rider: Critical hits on Bandits may have greatly increased damage. (Reference to A Christmas Story and the Red Ryder BB Gun.)
- 'For the Motherland.', Vladof Surkov: Chance to ignore shields. Greatly increased reload speed.
- 'I have you in my eye, sir.', Atlas Cyclops: Massive zoom. (Reference to 'The Madness Of King George')
- 'I LIKE IT!', Torgue Cobra: High explosive damage. (Reference to the 'Cobra Assault Cannon' from Robocop, and the comment of one of its users, Emil Antonowsky.)
- 'Makes their brain hurt', Jakobs Skullmasher: Fires multiple projectiles (like a shotgun) and deals massive critical damage
- 'Pele demands a sacrifice!', Maliwan Volcano: High chance that rounds fired will be high explosive incendiary rounds, able to ignite enemies near the target. (Reference to the Hawaiian goddess of fire and lava, Pele.)
- 'Sniper Killer.. Qu'est que c'est', Dahl Penetrator: Fully automatic. (Reference to a line from the 'Psycho Killer' song by The Talking Heads: 'Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?'.)
- 'The cutting edge', Reaver's Edge: Max zoom and chance to ignore shields, potentially with increased zoom.
- 'Thwack!', Nailer: Higher critical damage.
- 'Why don't you go shoot yourself an elephant?', Whitting's Elephant Gun: Increased damage, potentially with no scope. (Reference to Bugs Bunny.)
Submachine guns
- 'A beast of many forms - Fire, Lightning, and Poison', Torgue Chimera: Alternates between Fire, Shock, Corrosive, and Explosive elemental effects.
- 'Hallelujah', Tediore Savior: Shoots at extremely quick fire rate with almost immediate reload, and features ammo regeneration.
- 'I spy with my little eye..', Hyperion The Spy: Very high (sniper like) accuracy, when zoomed.
- 'Smack 'em', Hyperion Bitch: Very high critical hit damage. (Reference to the 'Smack My Bitch Up' song by Prodigy)
- 'Tear it up', Torgue Gasher: Fires three round bursts.
- 'The lead wind blows', Bone Shredder: Fires two round spreads that use 2 ammo.
- 'The ultimate close quarters feline.', Dahl Wildcat: Extended magazine, potentially with reduced accuracy.
- 'We don't need no water..', Maliwan HellFire: High fire damage. (Reference to 'The roof is on fire' song by Rock Master Scott and the Dynamic Three)
Successfully complete the indicated challenge to get the corresponding amount of XP:
- Headhunter: Kill 50 human enemies (1,000 XP).
- Not Really a People Person: Kill 250 human enemies (2,000 XP).
- Misanthrope: Kill 1,000 human enemies (5,000 XP).
- War Criminal: Kill 2,500 human enemies (20,000 XP).
- Lucky Shot: Kill 100 enemies with critical hits (1,000 XP).
- Crack Shot: Kill 250 enemies with critical hits (2,000 XP).
- Don't You Ever Miss?: Kill 1,000 enemies with critical hits (5,000 XP).
- Brain Surgeon: Kill 2,500 enemies with critical hits (20,000 XP).
- Relentless: Kill 5 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds between each kill (500 XP).
- Chain Killer: Kill 10 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds between each kill (1,000 XP).
- Killing Spree: Kill 15 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds between each kill (2,000 XP).
- Conveyor of Death: Kill 5 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds between each kill (5,000 XP).
- Action Hero: Kill 50 enemies using your Action Skills (1,000 XP).
- Beware! Mad Skills!: Kill 250 enemies using your Action Skills (2,000 XP).
- Why Do You Even Carry a Gun?: Kill 1,000 enemies using your Action Skills (5,000 XP).
- Your Kung Fu is Best: Kill 2,500 enemies using your Action Skills (20,000 XP).
- Seasoned Killer: Kill 500 enemies (1,000 XP).
- Numb to the Voice: Kill 1,000 enemies (2,000 XP).
- Terror of Pandora: Kill 4,000 enemies (5,000 XP).
- I am Become Death..: Kill 10,000 enemies (20,000 XP).
- Pocket Change: Earn $10,000 (1,000 XP).
- Money, it Buys Happiness: Earn $250,000 (2,000 XP).
- The Rich Get Richer: Earn $1,000,000 (5,000 XP).
- How Much For the Planet?: Earn $9,999,999 (20,000 XP).
- Duelist: Win 10 Duels (500 XP).
- Smack Down!: Win 50 Duels (1,000 XP).
- Bragging Rights: Win 250 Duels (2,000 XP).
- Invincible: Win 1,000 Duels (5,000 XP).
- What is That Thing?: Kill 50 Guardians (1,000 XP).
- The Vault is Mine: Kill 250 Guardians (2,000 XP).
- Prelates Relict: Kill 1,000 Guardians (5,000 XP).
- Dominant Species: Kill 2,500 Guardians (20,000 XP).
- Rakk Slayer: Kill 50 Rakk (1,000 XP).
- It if Flies, it dies: Kill 250 Rakk (2,000 XP).
- Rakk Flak: Kill 1,000 Rakk (5,000 XP).
- If I Can't Fly, No One Flies: Kill 2,500 Rakk (20,000 XP).
- Skag Slayer: Kill 50 Skags (1,000 XP).
- SIT! STAY! PLAY DEAD!: Kill 250 Skags (2,000 XP).
- I Hate Dogs: Kill 1,000 Skags (5,000 XP).
- You Are The Skagpocalypse: Kill 2500 Skags (20,000 XP).
- Spiderant Slayer: Kill 50 Spiderants (1,000 XP).
- Bug Crusher: Kill 250 Spiderants (2,000 XP).
- I Hate Bugs: Kill 1,000 Spiderants (5,000 XP).
- The Exterminator: Kill 2,500 Spiderants (20,000 XP).
- Spray and Prey: Get 50 kills with the combat rifle (1,000 XP).
- Size Matters: Get 250 kills with the combat rifle (2,000 XP).
- Make Chunks: Get 1,000 kills with the combat rifle (5,000 XP).
- One Man Army: Get 2,500 kills with the combat rifle (20,000 XP).
- Draw!: Get 50 kills with Pistols (1,000 XP).
- Size Matters: Get 250 kills with Pistols (2,000 XP).
- Make Chunks: Get 1,000 kills with Pistols (5,000 XP).
- One Man Army: Get 2,500 kills with Pistols (20,000 XP).
- Get Off My Lawn!: Get 50 kills with Shotguns (1,000 XP).
- Taste the Red Mist: Get 250 kills with Shotguns (2,000 XP).
- Instant Autopsy: Get 1,000 kills with Shotguns (5,000 XP).
- Buckshot Legend: Get 2,500 kills with Shotguns (20,000 XP).
- Boom: Get 50 kills with Launchers (1,000 XP).
- BOOM: Get 250 kills with Launchers (2,000 XP).
- KaBOOM!: Get 1,000 kills with Launchers (5,000 XP).
- KABOOOOOOOOM!!!!: Get 2,500 kills with Launchers (20,000 XP).
- One Shot, One Kill: Get 50 kills with Sniper Rifles (1,000 XP).
- I'll Wait Back Here..: Get 250 kills with Sniper Rifles (2,000 XP).
- Brain Ventilator: Get 1,000 kills with Sniper Rifles (5,000 XP).
- Finger of God: Get 2,500 kills with Sniper Rifles (20,000 XP).
- Road Rage: Get 50 kills with a vehicle (1,000 XP).
- Vehicular Manslaughter: Get 250 kills with a vehicle (2,000 XP).
- School Bus Driver: Get 1,000 kills with a vehicle (5,000 XP).
- Hell on Wheels: Get 2,500 kills with a vehicle (20,000 XP).
- Punchy: Get 50 kills with Melee attacks (1,000 XP).
- Brawler: Get 250 kills with Melee attacks (2,000 XP).
- Boxer: Get 1,000 kills with Melee attacks (5,000 XP).
- Heavyweight Champion: Get 2,500 kills with Melee attacks (20,000 XP).
- Hot! Too Hot!: Get 50 kills with Incendiary attacks (1,000 XP).
- Toasty!: Get 250 kills with Incendiary attacks (2,000 XP).
- Plays with matches: Get 1,000 kills with Incendiary attacks (5,000 XP).
- Pyromaniac: Get 2,500 kills with Incendiary attacks (20,000 XP).
- Zap!: Get 50 kills with Shock attacks (1,000 XP).
- Nikola is a friend of mine: Get 250 kills with Shock attacks (2,000 XP).
- Put forks in sockets: Get 1,000 kills with Shock attacks (5,000 XP).
- Shocker: Get 2,500 kills with Shock attacks (20,000 XP).
- Chemistry Rocks!: Get 50 kills with Corrosive attacks (1,000 XP).
- Why is the floor all gooey?: Get 250 kills with Corrosive attacks (2,000 XP).
- Mixes household chemicals: Get 1,000 kills with Corrosive attacks (5,000 XP).
- Chemist: Get 2,500 kills with Corrosive attacks (20,000 XP).
- Boom Goes the Dynamite!: Get 50 kills with Explosive attacks (1,000 XP).
- Too Bad About the Tinnitus: Get 250 kills with Explosive attacks (2,000 XP).
- Crosses Border for fireworks: Get 1,000 kills with Explosive attacks (5,000 XP).
- Demolitionist: Get 2,500 kills with Explosive attacks (20,000 XP).
- What's in Here?: Open 50 lootable objects (1,000 XP).
- Scavenger: Open 250 lootable objects (2,000 XP).
- Wilderness Survivor: Open 1,000 lootable objects (5,000 XP).
- Cachet Lucres: Open 5,000 lootable objects (20,000 XP).
- Ooo! Shiney!: Open 5 chests (1,000 XP).
- Treasure Hunter: Open 25 chests (2,000 XP).
- Swag Master: Open 100 chests (5,000 XP).
- Envy of Pirates: Open 500 chests (25,000 XP).
- How Much For the Gun?: Sell 50 items (1,000 XP).
- Gun Runner: Sell 100 items (2,000 XP).
- Arms Dealer: Sell 400 items (5,000 XP).
- Merchant of Death: Sell 2,000 items (20,000 XP).
- Impulse Buyer: Buy 5 items (1,000 XP).
- Good Consumer: Buy 50 items (2,000 XP).
- I Want it All!: Buy 200 items (5,000 XP).
- Self-contained Economy: Buy 500 items (20,000 XP).
- Lots of Shots: Shoot 2,000 times (1,000 XP).
- Keep Firing: Shoot 10,000 times (2,000 XP).
- Who Made That Man Gunner?: Shoot 25,000 times (5,000 XP).
- I Fired Every Bullet Ever: Shoot 100,000 times (20,000 XP).
- Hang Time: Get two seconds of vehicle hang time (500 XP).
- Airborne: Get three seconds of vehicle hang time (1,000 XP).
- This is Not a Flight Simulator: Get four seconds of vehicle hang time (2,000 XP).
- Orbit Achieved: Get five seconds of vehicle hang time (5,000 XP).
- 12 Days of Pandora: Master the technology of Pandora (12 assault rifle kills, 11 pistol kills, 10 shotgun kills, 9 smg kills, 8 sniper rifle kills, 7 melee kills, 6 critical hit kills, 5 explosive kills, 4 shock kills, 3 incendiary kills, 2 face melted kills, and 1 grenade kill) (5,000 XP).
Look at the wall in the cell that Tannis is trapped inside to see programmer messages.
Army Of Darkness referenceThe Boomstick and weapon description for it, 'Beyond groovy', are references to Ashley's shotgun in Army Of Darkness. The main character Ash's catchphrase is 'Groovy', and he calls his favorite shotgun 'Boomstick'.
Back To The Future referenceThe '1.21 Gigawatts' achievement name is a reference to Back To The Future.
Diablo 2 referenceIn Rust Commons West near Journal 224 ('Hidden Journal' quest), a unique Rakk will appear. Its name is Rakkinishu, named after a unique Carver from Diablo 2. Rakkinishu will also drop the 'Cracked Sash' shield, which is a type of item in Diablo 2.
Gauntlet (NES) referenceThe title of the mission 'Earl needs food.. badly' is a reference to the classic NES game Gauntlet. When your character was low on health in Gauntlet, a voice would say 'Blue Elf needs food badly!'
Gem referenceThe 'Truly Outrageous' achievement name is a reference to Gem, a cartoon from the 1980s.
General George Patton referenceThe Patton weapon's description is 'May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't', which is a quote from General George Patton.
Lonely Island song referenceThe 'You're On A Boat' achievement name is a Lonely Island song reference.
Mad Max referenceThe 'Can't we get BEYOND Thunderdome?' achievement name is a reference to Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.
Mario series referenceThe 'My Brother Was An Italian Plumber' achievement name is a reference to Mario.
Monty Python And The Holy Grail referenceThe 'There are some who call me..Tim' achievement name is a reference to the strange, fire spreading Scottish wizard that King Arthur and the knights of the round table meet.
Pulp Fiction referenceThe names of the ships in 'That Sinking Feeling' mission are Righteous Man, Great Vengeance, and Furious Anger. Each of those names is found in the biblical lines quoted by Samuel L. Jackson's character in Pulp Fiction.
Tenacious D referenceThe 'Master Exploder' achievement name is a reference to the song of the same name by Tenacious D.
Easy 'My Brother is an Italian Plumber' achievementShoot a low level Skag until it has hardly any health remaining. Then, try to keep jumping on its head until you kill it to get the 'My Brother is an Italian Plumber' achievement.
Easy 'Speedy McSpeederton' achievementBorderlands 2 Xbox 360 Mods
Go to the south west part of The Dahl Headlands to find Ludicrous Speedway. Race around the area where there are flags in under 31 seconds to get the 'Speedy McSpeederton' achievement.
Easy 'Sucker Born Every Minute' achievement ('The Secret Armory Of General Knoxx' DLC)Locate the huge bullet. Find the building closest to the bullet. Follow the arrows pointing to a box with a '$' sign on it, and activate the prompt located there to get the 'Sucker Born Every Minute' achievement.
Easy 'You're on a boat!' achievementGo to the dock at the farthest south point of the starting position in Treacher's Landing, and get on the little boat to get the 'You're on a boat!' achievement.
AchievementsAccomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Paid in Fyrestone (5 points): Complete 5 missions in the Arid Badlands.
- Made in Fyrestone (15 points): Complete all missions in the Arid Badlands.
- Paid in New Haven (10 points): Complete 5 missions in the Rust Commons.
- Made in New Haven (20 points): Complete all missions in the Rust Commons.
- My Brother is an Italian Plumber (15 points): Kill an enemy by stomping on its head.
- Speedy McSpeederton (10 points): Race around the Ludicrous Speedway in under 31 seconds.
- You call this archaeology? (20 points): Apply an elemental artifact.
- Ding! Newbie (5 points): Earn level 5.
- Ding! Novice (10 points): Earn level 10.
- Ding! Expert (20 points): Earn level 20.
- Ding! Hardcore (30 points): Earn level 30.
- Ding! Sleepless (40 points): Earn level 40.
- Discovered Skag Gully (5 points): Discover Skag Gully.
- Discovered Sledge's Safe House (5 points): Discover Sledge's Safe House.
- Discovered Headstone Mine (5 points): Discover Headstone Mine.
- Discovered Trash Coast (5 points): Discover Trash Coast.
- Discovered The Scrapyard (10 points): Discover The Scrapyard.
- Discovered Krom's Canyon (10 points): Discover Krom's Canyon.
- Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave (15 points): Discover Crimson Lance Enclave.
- Discovered Eridian Promontory (15 points): Discover Eridian Promontory.
- Ding! Champion (50 points): Earn level 50.
- Get A Little Blood on the Tires (20 points): Kill 25 enemies by ramming them with any vehicle.
- Rootinest, Tootinest, Shootinest (10 points): Kill 5 Rakk in under 10 seconds.
- Pandora-dog Millionaire (50 points): Earn $1,000,000.
- Fence (25 points): Sell 50 guns to a shop.
- Can't We Get BEYOND Thunderdome? (25 points): Win an arena match.
- Duel-icious (15 points): Win a duel against another player.
- Group LF Healer (25 points): Rescue a groupmate from death in a co-op game.
- There's No 'I' In 'Team' (30 points): Complete 15 missions in co-op.
- And They'll Tell Two Friends (10 points): Play in a co-op game with either an employee of Gearbox or someone who has this achievement.
- Weapon Aficionado (20 points): Reach proficiency level 10 with any weapon type.
- Duelinator (35 points): Win a duel without taking damage.
- Facemelter (25 points): Kill 25 enemies with corrosive weapons.
- 1.21 Gigawatts (25 points): Kill 25 enemies with shock weapons.
- Pyro (25 points): Kill 25 enemies with incendiary weapons.
- Master Exploder (15 points): Kill 25 enemies with explosive weapons.
- There are some who call me..Tim (25 points): Equip a class mod for your character.
- Fully Loaded (10 points): Rescue enough Claptraps to earn 42 inventory slots.
- Truly Outrageous (15 points): Kill an enemy with the Siren's action skill.
- Careful, He Bites (15 points): Kill 15 enemies with the Hunter's action skill.
- Reckless Abandon (15 points): Kill 15 enemies with the Berserker's action skill.
- Down in Front! (15 points): Kill 15 enemies with the Soldier's action skill.
Additionally, there are eight secret achievements:
- 12 Days of Pandora (30 points): Master the technology of Pandora.
- Wanted: Sledge (10 points): Kill Sledge.
- Wanted: Krom (20 points): Kill Krom.
- Wanted: Flynt (30 points): Kill Flynt.
- Destroyed the Hive (40 points): Kill the Rakk Hive.
- Destroyed the Destroyer (50 points): Kill the Vault boss.
- United We Stand (35 points): Defeat the Rakk Hive, the Vault Boss, Sledge, Krom, or Flynt in a co-op game.
- You're on a boat! (15 points): I bet you never thought you'd be here.
The following achievements require 'The Zombie Island Of Dr. Ned' bonus downloadable content:
- House of the Ned (25 points): Complete the 'House of the Ned' mission.
- Jakobs Fodder (25 points): Complete the 'Jakobs Fodder' mission.
- Braaaaaaaaaaaaains! (25 points): Complete the 'Braaaaaaaaaaaaains!' mission.
Additionally, there are two secret achievements with 'The Zombie Island Of Dr. Ned' bonus downloadable content:
- Night of the Living Ned (1 point): Killed Ned..sort of.
- Ned's Undead, Baby (49 points): Killed Ned. Again.
The following achievements require the 'Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot' bonus downloadable content:
- Small Tournament (10 points): Complete the Prove Yourself mission.
- Hell-Burbia (25 points): Reach the end of the larger challenge in the Hell-Burbia coliseum.
- The Angelic Ruins (25 points): Reach the end of the larger challenge in The Angelic Ruins coliseum.
- The Gully (25 points): Reach the end of the larger challenge in The Gully coliseum.
- Big Tournament (40 points): Reach the end of each of the 3 larger challenges with one character.
The following achievements require 'The Secret Armory Of General Knoxx' bonus downloadable content:
Borderlands 2 Free Download Xbox
- Making a Monster (10 points): Build the New Car: Monster.
- Athena, Out (25 points): Rescue Athena.
- Depot Demolition (25 points): Destroy the Lance Depot.
- Vincible (50 points): Kill Crawmerax the Invincible.
- Sneaky Little Buggers (25 points): Kill each of the loot midgets.
- Speed Kills (25 points): Destroy a Lancer while in a Racer.
- Ding! Overleveled (15 points): Reach Level 51.
- Ding! Overleveled to 11 (40 points): Reach Level 61.
- Completionist (25 points): Complete all missions in Secret Armory.
Additionally, there is one secret achievement with 'The Secret Armory Of General Knoxx' bonus downloadable content:
- Sucker Born Every Minute (10 points): Paid for a worthless tour of the world's largest bullet.
Mod Borderlands 2 Xbox 360
The following achievements require the 'Claptrap's New Robot Revolution' bonus downloadable content:
- Tourist (10 points): Find all 6 Claptrap Statues.
- Muerte la robo-lución (70 points): Kill the Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap.
- The Collector (50 points): Complete a crazy request for Tannis.
- The Lubricator (10 points): Find 25 oil cans.
- Bobble-Trap (10 points): Collect 15 claptrap bobbleheads.
- It's so realistic! (10 points): Collect five 3D glasses.
- What a party! (30 points): Collect 3 panties, 5 fish in a bag, and 15 pizzas.
Additionally, there are three secret achievements with the 'Claptrap's New Robot Revolution' bonus downloadable content:
- Knoxx-Trap (20 points): Knoxx is at rest..finally.
- Ned-Trap (20 points): Killed Ned..again and again and again.
- Steele-Trap (20 points): The Commandant is dead-trap.